AmigaActive (1096/2143)

From:Neil Bothwick
Date:14 May 2000 at 16:29:26
Subject:Re: ArtEffect and loading pictures to start with...

Sam Thomas said,

> I have been setting up DOpus to use ArtEffect for editing images. (I added a
> extra option called ArtEffect It!! to the file popup menu). this is what I
> have tried:
> (In the Filetypes/Iconmenu thingy)

> Workbench Programs:ArtEffect/ArtEffect {f}
> (ArtEffect then loaded, but did not load the file I wanted to edit)

Running as a CLI process is often better for this.

> So then I decided to open up a cli and changed to the arteffect dir and
> typed the following in:

> ArtEffect Work:html/images/titles/files.gif
> So then ArtEffect loaded but did not load up the files.gif image : /

Which means ArtEffect doesn't accept images as command line arguments.
What do you get when you type "ArtEffect ?" ?

> Does anyone know what I need to put to make ArtEffect load the image like
> that?

Does ArtEffect have an ARexx port? If so you could use a script
that loads, AE if necessary, and then loads the image.


Neil Bothwick - New Media Editor, Amiga Active Magazine
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